Saturday, September 11, 2010

Equality does matter.

I understand the reason of some ppl giving up on a relationship when the gap between the couple is widening. One person is advancing rapidly but be it due whatever reason, not neccessary laziness entirely, that the other person is stagnant. Just in the simple case above, the couple will have different prespective, different focus, different confidence and most importantly different topic of conversationa nd common interest. and this 'Gap', the culprit will be strong and in control to ruin a relationship of any couple.

no GAP are allowed!
I want us both to be socially, economically and spiritually fulfilled---on the exact same level.

walking the dog in UNAM

I went to UNAM, the national university of Mexico, marked her 100th anniversary last year. A friend of mine who's working as a faculty member in Industrial Design brought me around while she walked her two dogs. This is the first time i walk the dog, and i'm very surprise on how well behaved the dogs are: they carry their own balls in thier mouth during the walk. Other then dog owner walking their dogs there the weekend, there're of lot of people in the campus, playing and spending times with their family member, fiends in the field, having mini concert, and even painting.
UNAM is very extensive with lots of faculty buildings. We went to the principle campus that emcompass the principle library, president office, museum and some of the faculties such as Engineering, Architecture, Philosophy,etc. Other than intra campus bus to ease the traveling within the campus and the nearest metro station, there're bicycles prepare for student to transport within the university campus. Bicycles are lent to student for free, student just need to have their ID card barcode scanned and they can ride the bicycle from one booth and return to any booth of another area. Very convenient, efficient and environmental friendly indeed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

more then just a happy Stomach

My day started with a shower at 3:45am, a delay flight complication, and taking taxi myself for the very first time in the 9mil populated city. Everything went well and end with a very fulfilling stomach and a 12 hours sleep.

I attended a Open House by a very joyful and vibrant Ambassador. I felt very welcomed and warm in her house. There are more people attending the Open House then I have expected, and everybody (who never knew each other before) get very comfortable and have had lots of good conversation and information sharing over a plate of good familiar food. Imaging, I stayed from 11am to 3pm. All the conversations are very informative and fun, ranging from funny encounters of visa application, places to get serai, to spanish joke.
The good familiar food (left) and kids (right) in colorful tranditional custome to make the event more festive.
I enjoyed alot the good familiar food, and most of all, good companies that i've met. and I'm especially alive today for what i have gone tru today on my own, getting myself to the next earliest flight instead of the assigned later flight, taking taxi on my own, and having a good time in an event full of 1st time meeting people.